You Are a Miracle Worker...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hi there,

We live in a Universe that is based on possibility and miracles. Despite this we have created a world that is based on fear-based logic. Today my message to you is to recognise fear-based logic in your reality and refute it. Do not accept any statement that limits your ability to attract and co-create miracles in your life. Today, how about creating one affirmation about your ability as a miracle-worker. You see when you truly believe that you are a miracle worker then miracles can enter your reality.

On another note today is a day of many blessings for me, you see a half-century ago I was born into this world. It is so nice to have a birthday, people sing you happy birthday give you presents and take you out for celebration tea and cake. Today I wish you a day of many blessings. May you receive at least one pleasant surprise.

By the way I am speaking this Friday (10 October) on The Alchemy of Abundance in Holborn, Central London. Hope to see you there.
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