
Dreaming of Solutions.....

Friday, November 28, 2008


When you give your mind a problem it will either keep going to solve that problem or give up saying that it is insoluable. Either way will consume lots of your mental energy. This is not a great use of your energy. We are trained through our years in the education system to focus our mind on solving problems and fixing things. This kind of thinking takes you away from the magical realm where solutions can appear by themselves without too much mental effort on your part. Over the past 17 years I have been re-training my mind to focus on dreams, goals and visions rather than on focusing my attention on problems.

One way to solve problems that does not take very much mental energy is to acknowledge the problem and then put it to one side. Then just before you go to bed ask your Higher Self to present you with a way forward that will take you beyond your perceived problem.

If you have managed to engage your mind in useful activities other than chewing on this problem then you will have a sufficiently clear conscious space to receive the way forward in the dream state.

I have used this method to receive guidance and information how about how to proceed when the resources available to my conscious mind were not sufficient to move forward through a perceived problem.

Listen to my recording called Overcoming Your Inner Resistance for FREE

Steve Nobel

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The Power of Your Imagination.....

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hiya ,

When you dream reality into being you are creating from the source, the quantum soup of the Universe where everything exists in a latent or potential state. Physicists say that in the quantum world nothing is "real" until it is observed. By engaging your ability to dream you are putting attention on things you want to awaken in your reality and taking your attention away from things you want to dwindle in your reality.

Use your imagination as if you were a gardener of your inner world. Imagine that you can pull out the weeds in your garden and start to plant flowers that represent new things you want to see in your life. Make it a daily practise to focus on what you want everyday. It is ok to think about what you do not want but do not dwell on these. When you know what you do not want immediately shift your focus onto what you want instead.

If you engage your imagination towards what you want to create then you are working magically to birth a new world. Today I invite you to be a dreamweaver with me. Today I am envisioning a new reality of hope and possibility under the presidency of Barack Obama. I hope you will join me in sending him some best wishes in his task of creating a more hopeful world.

If you want to dive deeper into dreaming your reality into being then check out my next UK workshop Dream Your Year, London - 22 November.


Steve Nobel
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The Mayans Say a Great Light is Being Born Today...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hi there,

Most of you know about the Mayan Calendar and have heard about the wisdom traditions talk of the prophecies of 2012. Well right now we are at the Dawning of a New Day in the cycle of the Mayan calendar. Since last November we have been in what the Mayans called the Xibalba.. and the Xibalba comes to end today with the full moon in Taurus. Xilalba has felt for many like passing through the dark night of the soul. A time for facing old fears and old shadows. On the world stage this has been a time of fearful scenarios where old power structures have sought to dominate the world.

According to my friend and shamanic teacher Chris Waters, Xilalba is passing today with the coming of the full moon. This means we are entering a more hopeful time, one where we can more easily step into our authentic power and manifest our collective dream for global peace and prosperity. On the global stage we are all no doubt looking forward to a more enlightened presidency under President Obama. So today is a time to celebrate for a great trial is over and a great light is coming to the earth.

If you want to play some more with these magical ideas and more then check out my next UK workshop is Dream Your Year, London - 22 November.

Steve Nobel
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Living Magically = Living Abundantly...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hi there,

When you start to live magically then you will start to live more abundantly. This is one of the reasons I talk about magic so much. You can earn millions of pounds and have lots of assets and property, yet if you do not know how to live magically all of your wealth will give you little joy.
Living magically is about enjoying the essential beauty and mystery of life. it is about knowing that you have a greater purpose in life than just going through the motions. Wealth is a resource to help you live more joyfully and magically. Accumulating wealth is not the purpose of life. You will not be able to take anything with you when you leave the earth plane. So do not worry about accumulating wealth.

That does not mean disregarding wealth. You need money and other resources to live joyfully and freely on the earthplane. It is wise to respect money. Many spiritual people have little regard for money and so cannot attract it or keep hold of it in life. Money is an important resource.

If you want to attract more wealth into your reality then a good place to start is to value your time, energy, skills and vision. If you do not value yourself you cannot attract money into your life. If you do not value your time and skills you will seek to give away more money than you attract. So today start to value yourself in small ways. Your time is valuable just as your life is valuable. Take off any limiting labels you have allowed others to place on you. Take off any limiting lables you have placed on yourself. If only for today know that you are an invaluable being whose value is limitless.

My next workshop in the UK is Dream Your World, London - 22 November.


Steve Nobel

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Take a Walk on the Wild Side......

Hi there,

Magic is an art as well as a science. Magic is guided by spiritual principals or laws just as science is. One of the basic principles of spirituality is that everything in the Universe is alive, conscious, and has the potentiality of being responsive, friendly and helpful. This is a very different paradigm from the dominant mechanistic worldview that sees the Universe and human beings as essentially soul-less clockwork machines that go wrong and need fixing from time to time.

The magical worldview is that every being is alive and conscious. That does not mean that all life shares the same kind of consciousness. The consciousness of a tree is different to that of a crystal or a star. Although nature is alive and contains the divine spark of life in every blade of grass it does not operate like a bunch of characters in a Disney film.

If you want to learn to live more magically then get out in nature and start to connect with the powers that live around you in the natural world. These powers can help heal and guide your life if approached in the right manner. Sit with a friendly tree and ask it to bathe you in its energy field. Sit with a wise quartz crystal and ask it to help open your crown chakra to your Higher Self. In meditation connect with the guiding Angel of a wild animal species. Just ask for a power animal to come and guide you. Each animal has its own power and gifts. An eagle can grant you the power of a higher vision of your life. A wolf can grant you the power of insight and wisdom into your life. A fox can grant you the power of cunning and stealth.

So today, why not take a walk on the wild side? Go on, let your hair down!

My next workshop in the UK is Dream Your World, London - 22 November.

Steve Nobel

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The Magic of Connection......

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hi there,

Today my prosperity thought is around the power of connection. One of the things I love to do is connect with magical people. It is a spiritual principle that all consciousness is interconnected in the Oneness of life. At a personality level we all seem seperate but at a magical level we are interconnected.

One of the philosophies that I have found really helpful in life is that of Huna, the ancient wisdom of Hawaii. The Kahunas, or shamans say that we have three selves, a conscious self (rational and intuitive), an unconscious self (memory and emotions) and a Higher Self (our personal connection with Universal consciousness). Our Higher Self knows the reasons why we incarnated and the lessons we seek to learn and the mission we seek to accomplish in this lifetime.

Learning to balance these three selves is a pathway to magic. When the conscious self opens to the Higher Self then magic can happen. So often the conscious self denies the reality of a spiritual self because it has been taught to believe in a rational and mechanistic paradigm. When the conscious self embraces the unconscious self then magic can happen. So often the conscious self distrusts the unconscious self because it has been taught by religion and (Freudian) psychology to distrust the lower nature. When the unconscious self begins to trust the conscious self then magic can happen. When the Higher Self starts downloading light into the conscious self through the unconscious self then magic will definately start to happen. When all three selves start to act in unison then miracles will occur naturally and easily.

Magic happens when we seek the company of magical people. You can always ask your Higher Self to help you create more heartfelt connections. You can do this in meditation. See your Higher Self as a ball of light hovering above your head. Tune into this ball of light and see a bridge of light form between your crown centre and the heart of the hovering sphere. Then begin to ask your Higher Self for help and guidance and see what happens. You might start receiving a communication as thoughts, images, feelings or physical sensations. Your Higher Self is your gateway to Universal Intelligence. Remember the old spiritual saying 'ask and it is given'?


Steve Nobel

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