
Living Abundantly = Living Magically....

Friday, October 31, 2008

“You can step into a magical reality at the point where you have had enough of your old reality of pain, lack and suffering.” – Steve Nobel

Living abundantly on the planet is as very much an ancient art form. If you are interested in living abundantly then you are also probably interested in living magically. Magic has been practised on the planet for thousands of years. Shamans were the ancient magicians and wise ones that knew how to connect with the unseen worlds of consciousness, energy and spirit for guidance, healing, help, and magic. Today there are very few awakened magicians or wise people working magically because we have been educated in believing that we live in a rational and mechanistic universe.

People think that the economy is determined by rational laws. Economists have yet to come up with a unified theory that explains how the global economies work. This will never happen as long as they look for rational explanations. The economy is driven by human needs, perceptions and behaviour and as we all know this is not always rational. For instance billions of pounds can be added to the economy or wiped away by intangibles such as confidence. Similarly billions of pounds worth of trade is generated by the quality and depth of relationships between people trading money for goods or services.

So you see you do not live in a totally rational or mechanistic Universe. You live in a magical Universe and in such a place money is not just pieces of paper that exchange hands. Money is a form of energy and it needs to be thought of as such. Your unconscious mind, the part of you that generates your reality for you, knows how to work with energy. You just need to train it to work with money as energy.

So now that being said here is a money attraction exercise for you. Think of money for a moment and all the things you hope it will bring you. Then ask your unconscious to give you a symbol that represents you having the things you think money will bring you. This symbol can be anything from a handful of gold coins, to a flowing river, to an abundant garden. Be patient until a symbol comes. Then for five minutes a day visualise this symbol and imagine the brilliant light of the sun is illuminating it. Then just let go of the image. Do this for 21 days and viola! Then just be open to a miracle.


Steve Nobel


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Step Into Magic......

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hi there,

You are a magical being, and this is the case whether you realise it or not. Magic brought you into this realm and when you leave you will step beck into the magic of the Universe. In this dimension magic is just a possibility embedded in the possibility of a very mundane reality. It's a bit like the Harry Potter story where the magical people could not be magical in front of the non-magical 'muggle' people.

Now in this world there are many magicians who are still asleep to the possibility of magic. This is because by and large we have all been raised in a logical mechanistic worldview. Magic in this world is hidden and needs to be found. Once found it needs constant nurturing against the sleepiness of the world.

Today is a call to wake up and stay awake. Today how about becoming more aware of the activities that put you to sleep in the world? Then do less of them. Today how about becoming more aware of the activities that awaken in you a sense of aliveness and wonder? Then do more of them.

I am running some workshops soon, hope to see you there.

Living Magically in the Everyday World- London - 2 November
Dream Your Year 2009 Into Being - London - 22 November.


Steve Nobel


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Living Magically...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hi There,

Life is not what you think it is. You do not know what reality is. There is a saying in NLP that the map is not the territory, the profit and loss sheet is not the company, the medical record is not the patient. We do not see the world as it really is we see it through the filters of our beliefs, perceptions, and judgements. The clearer the filters the clearer we see the world.

I did an interesting exercise over the weekend at the workshop of my good friend and fellow magician Darren Eden. In this exercise we were in pairs and looking at each other through the filter of trust/untrustworthy, good/bad/ powerful/powerless and so on. During this exercise it became much clearer to me how the focus of ny perception can hijack how I see another person or situation.

The great thing about perception is that we can choose how we see the world. We can see the world through our judgements or we can see it through the gateway of possibility. When we step through the gateway of possibility we are in the realm of imagination which allows us to not only see this world but many others.

Imagine what it would be like living in a world of love. Well whether you know it or not, or feel it or not, you do live in a world of love. In this world spirit infuses everything in your reality. In this world miracles are not only possible they are commonplace. In this world of free will you can always choose love over any resistance to living a magnificent life.

I hope you can come along to one of my forthcoming workshops. See you there.
Steve Nobel
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I Predict More Love For You Today....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I do not predict the future, that would be impossible since you create your reality from moment to moment. However, I do notice different patterns and trends. In my coaching practise I know that if a client continues to believe and think a certain way then it will lead him or her to feel a certain way and that in turn will lead him or her to speak, choose and act in a certain way and all of these will produce certain results and concequences.

Now, you may not know what you believe, because most of our beliefs are unconscious. Beliefs are the software in the unconscious that create our reality. The beliefs we hold create the repeating patterns of experience in our lives.

However, you can work out what you beleive from the results you are experiencing in the world. You can ask yourself "What would I have to believe to be true about myself or the world to create the results I am experiencing at the moment." If for instance you are experiencing a lack of love then perhaps this points to a belief that there is not enough love to go around. This is a painfully common belief that children can adopt in some families.

Today I am going to give you some new beliefs about love: There is enough love to go around; I deserve love; I am willing to receive love from others; I am attracting loving people into my life; I love myself enough to allow more money to flow into my life; I love myself enougn to allow more opportunities to flow into my life; and I am open to the guiding light and love of my soul and Higher Self in my life.

OK, now take whichever of the above and meditate on the statement throughout today. I predict that by the end of the day you will feel lighter and more open to love in all its forms and activities.

Steve Nobel
Posted by Alternatives at 03:35 0 comments
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Radiate Love and Become Pure Gold...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hi there,

You are probably as fed up as I am hearing about how bad things are in the global economy. What is going on now is nothing new, many of you reading this have been through periods of economic recession. I remember periods of boom and bust over the last 30 years. There really is nothing very new about what is currently going. Yes, the system is now more interconnected and perhaps more vulnerable to collective greed and mis-management.

We are going through a process of collective change on the planet and many old structures are crumbling. Make sure you do not get caught up in these old structures that are based on fear and greed.

Steve I am sure that you do not want to connect your consciousness and vibration to the collective fear going on at the moment. A much better idea is to keep your consciousness bright and your vibration high. When you do this you will feel not only more optimistic about life but you will be more resourceful and resiliant to the up's and down's of life. One way to do this is to always choose love rather than fear. Speak loving words and radiate love, this will change your whole auric field to one resembling pure gold. An aura radiating fear is not a pretty sight.

Now is an exciting time to be on planet earth, a new consciousness is being birthed and many of you are at the forefront of this wave of change. Now is a good time to release any old programmes of greed or fear from your psyche. Now is a good time to focus on joy and possibility.

So do not allow the fear-based media to create your reality. Instead how about: laughing and dancing more, meditating for 5 minutes a day; doing something creative; giving someone who needs it a helping hand; doing one thing that would give you more joy on a daily basis?
My next workshops are Living Magically in the Everyday World - 2nd November, London
Dream Your Year 2009 Into Being - 22nd November, London
Steve Nobel

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Blessing Your World...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hi there,

As I look out on the world I look for a world that is alive, joyful, miraculous and full of possibility. Now of course if I looked hard enough I could find a world of suffering and hopelessness. But why would I do that! In our world where so many realities are possible you can find people locked into suffering, misery and hopelessness.

The reason this is happening is complex to say the least. There are systems that lock people into misery, struggle and hopelessness. These systems are sustained by our collective believing, thinking and doing. The best thing that can happen to such systems is that they either transform or collapse. And of course the best thing that can happen to our collective consciousness is that it is shaken from its sleepy state and downloaded with some more useful ideas.

We are heading for a world where our collective thinking is heading for a big shift. Future generations will look back at this time and will probably judge some of our collective actions as barbaric and possibly criminal.

You are reading this prosperity thought because you are a part of the wave of change. You do not feel at home in a world of lack or hate. You do not see the earth as a commodity to buy and sell. You have strong values around justice for the earth and every living creature upon it. You have a feeling that something must change and you are willing to be a part of that change.

Today you can help the world by radiating blessings to people you meet. You can bless animals, plants, and places. The power of blessing is truly enormous and does much to neutralise the senseless hate and violence in the world.

If you want to put into practice some of these prosperity thoughts then check out my coming workshops:
Steve Nobel
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Living in a World of Possibility....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hi there,

We all live in a world where so many things are possible. This is because we do not share one common fixed reality. Reality is more fluid than most people realise. No two people will look out and see the same world and this is because each of us see the world through the filters of our own beliefs thoughts feelings and expectations.

You may live in the same family and share the same house but you will not see the same world. You may walk out in the street with a friend and feel the same sunshine and experience the same rain but you will not live in the same world. In this world there are six billion different realities.

Now people with a similar outlook will tend to hang out together. People who believe the world is a violent place will hang out with people with similar attitudes. People who believe the world is a place of possibility will seek out each others company.

When you change what you believe about the world (and yourself) you will experience a different world. And you will want to hang out with different people. The question I have for you today is which world is it that you would you like to see?

If you want to put into practice some of these prosperity thoughts then check out my coming workshops:
Dream Your Year 2009 Into Being London - 22 November.

Steve Nobel
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Wobbling Money Markets....

Monday, October 13, 2008


With all the wobbles in the money markets there is a wave of fear being generated in the collective consciousness. Many people are making anxiety and worry a daily meditation. Now this is probably not a good idea if you are someone who wants to live an abundant and joyful life.

This is not to say that fear is a negative energy. Fear has a positive side, it can stop us doing stupid things like stepping out of a speeding car or walking down a dark alley at night. The problem with fear is that we are not meant to feel anxiety all of the time. It is a survival mechanism. If we make fear a meditation it is like driving a car with one foot on the accelerator pedal and one on the brake pedal. This is a tremendous waste of time and energy. And in time it will wear out your vehicke prematurely.

If you take my advice make joy and prosperity a daily meditation. When you take your attention away from the collective fear in the world you will automatically feel better. When you place your attention on the good things happening in the world then your unconscious mind will stop reacting to the wave of fear and it will stop filtering out all the data that contains the energies of aliveness, joy, passion and prosperity in the world. So today focus on finding all the good in the world. What you seek you shall find.

If you want to put into practice some of these prosperity thoughts then check out my coming workshops then check out:

The Alchemy of Abundance London - 19 October.
Dream Your Year 2009 Into Being London - 22 November.

Steve Nobel
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Your Life is a Gift...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hi there,

No matter what is going on in the world today realise that the greatest gift you have is life itself. Life is a gift and this gift is worth celebrating. Do not worry about losing your possessions. Possessions come and go. Do not worry about losing your career. Jobs will always come and go. Do not worry about losing your money. Money will also flow in and flow out of your life. Do not worry about losing your own identity, your sense of self will not stay the same as you move through your life's journey.

I have a few questions for you today. Are you on track in your life and living on purpose, however you define purpose? Do you know what you value and what you are willing to stand up for in life?

So do not allow the opinions of others to create your reality. You can release the judgements of others about how you should live your life. You cannot know your deepest dreams as long as you are attempting to live out the dreams of others! So today let go of your concerns about the world and let go of any worry about losing stuff. Today embrace life and celebrate your life as if it were a precious gift from God/Goddess All That Is....which of course it is!

If you want to hear more about prosperity then you could always come and hear me speak on The Alchemy of Abundance this evening. That is unless you are out celebrating your life. Hope to see you there.

Steve Nobel
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You Are a Miracle Worker...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hi there,

We live in a Universe that is based on possibility and miracles. Despite this we have created a world that is based on fear-based logic. Today my message to you is to recognise fear-based logic in your reality and refute it. Do not accept any statement that limits your ability to attract and co-create miracles in your life. Today, how about creating one affirmation about your ability as a miracle-worker. You see when you truly believe that you are a miracle worker then miracles can enter your reality.

On another note today is a day of many blessings for me, you see a half-century ago I was born into this world. It is so nice to have a birthday, people sing you happy birthday give you presents and take you out for celebration tea and cake. Today I wish you a day of many blessings. May you receive at least one pleasant surprise.

By the way I am speaking this Friday (10 October) on The Alchemy of Abundance in Holborn, Central London. Hope to see you there.
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