
Prosperity is Not a Serious Matter...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


If you want to know about prosperity do not look for it in the world of the serious. Do not look for prosperity in any material thing or external circumstance. Prosperity cannot be found in any balance sheet or accountancy report. Real prosperity is found in the things that have the lightest of touch, it is found in the dance and flow of life, it can be found in the moments between activities.

Prosperity is a verb it is not a noun since it comes from your being and doing not from what you own or what you can accumulate. Prosperity can be known in an instant, it can be found in a gift, it can be found in a smile, it can be found in whatever gives you deep joy or real freedom.

The whole universe is based on prosperity. The sun shines equally on the deserving and the undeserving. Nature never stops offering her bounty no matter how hard we try to interfere with her. Prosperity can be found in any real community that is based on sharing and mutual support. If you want to find prosperity do not look for it in the world of the serious. Do not look for it in stocks and shares, your bank account and never expect to hear about it through the media.

To know about prosperity go out and explore the possibilities of life and go out and play! So what are you waiting for?

By the way, I am speaking Friday 10 October in London on The Alchemy of Abundance.
Have a prosperous day.

Steve Nobel
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Blessing the Wealthy.....

Friday, September 26, 2008


You know one of the most effective ways you can step into a more abundant reality is to start to bless the wealth around you. Whenever you walk around a gorgeous shop full of wonderful things just bless the wealth you see. OK, want to take an even bigger step? Well if you really want to step into a more abundant reality start to bless the rich. Yes, that's right bless all the rich people you hear about, read about and see around you.

Now this little exercise will definately bring up all the judgement you have about wealthy people. It will show you how you resist wealth by judging those who have it. If you persist in this practise you will gain invaluable insights into how you keep wealth away.
You repel abundance and wealth through your limited perception and belief. Your judgements are clues to how you repel wealth from your life. If you judge those with money you will not want to attract money for fear of being judged by others. By blessing the rich you start to heal your judgemental nature. By blessing the wealthy you are giving space to the possibility that you can be wealthy.
Steve Nobel
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Which World Do You See?


Do you know that you create the world you see and attract to yourself all the situations and experience in your life? Do you see a world of joy or a world of misery? If you see a world of joy then you must know that the joy you are experiencing has no limits. There is no limit to the bliss, happiness and joy that can be experienced in life. The only limits are the ones you hold in place through your belief and expectation. If you see predominantly a world of misery then perhaps you could meditate on joy.

You help the world of misery by not adding to it. You help the world of misery by radiating joy. Some people are able to truly smile in the midst of great suffering. This is a state of spiritual mastery. This does not mean that you deny that misery exists in the world, that would be foolish. Instead witness the radiance of the human soul experiencing the illusion of suffering. You can help another who is suffering by being steady in your own light and connection to source and at the same time be aware that each being has a guiding light within them. People who suffer forget this guiding light and the most compassionate act you can do is help them remember. You do this by remembering your own inner guiding light. So today go forth and radiate!

Steve Nobel
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Your Magical Mind...


Your mind has the power to create. You can create drama's or miracles it is up to you. There are people out there in the world that do not realise their own creative power. What do they teach people in schools nowadays! OK, where were we......oh yes your power to create.

You need to know that you have more than one mind you have three minds. You have a conscious mind that is both logical and reflective, analytical and intuitive. You have an unconscious mind that remembers, learns and also maintains. It keeps your heart beating and your lungs breathing without any conscious need to do anything. Then you also have a higher mind. This part of you knows how to create miracles, it knows how you create your reality, it knows how to guide you on your path of joyful growth, it knows the reasons why you incarnated on the earth.

Today how about calling on your higher mind to guide you. Your higher mind will not interfere in your life. However, it will help you if you ask for that help. So how about thinking about one area where you need a little help from your higher mind and then just ask for help. Simple!
Steve Nobel
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The World You See is Not Really Real......

Monday, September 22, 2008


You know that the world you see is not really real? Well not real in the way that you think it is real. The world seems solid but it is not really solid. It is constructed from tiny particles of matter spinning around other particles at incredible speeds. The world around you and in fact your physical forms are not solid and they are not stable, they are constantly changing and renewing themselves.

Beyond the laws of matter and physics there are spiritual laws that say that we create our outer world from our inner world of thought feeling choice and belief. This means that the world you see is the world you expect to see. Whether you see a world of love or hate, prosperity or lack, joy or misery is up to you. It depends upon what you believe about yourself and your world. Your conscious mind is always on the lookout for the data that is in accordance with your beliefs. All other sensory data is ignored, or distorted, or interpreted in the light of what you believe. Therefore we all see different worlds. Some people primarily live in a world of celebration, love, hope, joy and support and others live primarily in a world of anxiety, confusion, doubt, fear, procrastination.

Everyone has an opinion about the world, and that includes you. You already have a map of reality inside your head that is not the same as the world you see. This map alters and distorts the world you see. If you believe in a world of conflict and hate then that is the world you will see and experience. If you believe in a world of hope and love then that is the world you will see and experience.

Now this shifts the onus onto you to choose the world you wish to see. No-one is going to change your mind for you. Now you could take off those filters you are wearing and try on a different pair! That would be interesting don't you think? Then again you could just keep doing what you are doing and pray for a miracle!

Want to try something different today? OK, today look out for the things you appreciate and love in the world. When you find your attention being drawn to things you do not like about the world just become aware of what you are doing and place your attention once more on appreciating your world. I predict that this little exercise will leave you feeling more hopeful and alive. Now that cannot be a bad thing, can it?

Steve Nobel


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What Am I Here to Do?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Here is a response to a prosperity thought on life purpose:

"Dear Steve,
Thanks for the lovely prosperity thought. You've mentioned about the work I came to do on the earth but did not say what it was....Is it something similar to the work that you are doing I feel a lot of connection to protect the environment and the earth resources, am I on the right direction, am I meant to do this alone or with someone. (sorry Steve this is important, could you please tell me something since that you know more than me.
More blessing, Iklas"

Dear Iklas,
I cannot tell you what you are here to do.
Only you and your heart know the answer to that question.
You will find the answer in the things and activities you find important.
You will find the answer in your dreams and desires.
You will find the answer in the challenges that you have faced throughout your life.You will find the answer in the activites you are skilled in.
You will the find answer in the feedback you receive from others.
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A Belief Change Process....


So you want to know how to change your beliefs and expectations? Well firstly you need to realise that every belief is but a thought about reality. Beliefs do not represent reality itself. The thing is that once you change a belief you will not only operate differently in the world, you will see a different world. OK, that being said, there are a number of stages to changing a belief:

1. You need to be open to questioning your existing beliefs. You need to question and if appropriate doubt your existing beliefs if you are ever to re-evaluate them. For instance you might believe that you cannot dance. You need to be able to question and then doubt this limiting idea about yourself if you are ever to change it.

2. You need to be open to exploring new and more expansive thoughts about reality. You need not be convinced that a new belief is true but you need to be open to the possibility. So let's say that you have the thought that dancing was a possibly for you, now you are more likely to give it a go.

3. You create a new thought or affirmation about what could be possible. When your mind starts to focus on the old belief you must be ware of it (usually you start to feel bad) and stop. Then focus on the new thought. Just immerse yourself in it to the exclusion of the old thought.

4. Then you can start to believe and act on the new thought as if it were true. Perhaps you go out and join a Salsa dance class. You might take a few lessons and be coached into how dancing is a possibility for you. As you do the new activity keep using the affirmation to neutarlise the effects of any self-judgement.

5. keep doing the new activity. Allow the new thought to take a deeper hold in your unconscious. Perhaps now you go dancing more often. You find that dancing is enjoyable. The more you believe the new thought the better you get. In no time your reality has expanded around what is possible for you.

I chose the area of dancing because this was an area I changed a few years back. I attended a personal development seminar and decided to challenge my firm belief that I could not dance. I took up Ceroc dance classes and although I felt I was terrible I persevered. I used an affirmation to calm my judgemental mind. After a few months I was more in the flow of it. After a year I could dance with confidence. I find dancing to be a great social skill and a great way to celebrate the gift of life. This belief change process can be applied to any area of life.

Steve Nobel
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Living in a World of Miracles...


There is a book called A Course in Miracles that describes how to create miracles in this world of dreams and nightmares. One of my favourite lines in this text says: "This world is full of miracles. They stand in shining silence next to every dream of pain and suffering".

Now the majority of people in the world have no idea that they have the power to create either a paradise or hell on earth through their action, belief, focus, intent, or vision. Most people on this earth do not realise that they have the power to create a heaven on earth. At the moment about 5% of people on earth are awakening to this possibility. The good news is that a small group of people with a clear and focused intent on creating a new earth can shift reality for everyone on the planet.

You must realise that you are reading this because you are a dreamweaver, a reality creator. Do not go unconscious to your role in this lifetime, stay present to the power within you and to the power that flows through you from the Universal Source. Then you will be doing what you have come on this earth to do.

Steve Nobel
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See a Different World Today...

Monday, September 15, 2008


You know that the world you see is not really real? Well not real in the way that you think it is real. The world seems solid but it is not really solid. It is constructed from tiny particles of matter spinning around other particles at incredible speeds. The world around you and in fact your physical forms are not solid and they are not stable, they are constantly changing and renewing themselves.

Beyond the laws of matter and physics there are spiritual laws that say that we create our outer world from our inner world of thought feeling choice and belief. This means that the world you see is the world you expect to see. Whether you see a world of love or hate, prosperity or lack, joy or misery is up to you. It depends upon what you believe about yourself and your world. Your conscious mind is always on the lookout for the data that is in accordance with your beliefs. All other sensory data is ignored, or distorted, or interpreted in the light of what you believe. Therefore we all see different worlds. Some people primarily live in a world of celebration, love, hope, joy and support and others live primarily in a world of anxiety, confusion, doubt, fear, procrastination.

Everyone has an opinion about the world, and that includes you. You already have a map of reality inside your head that is not the same as the world you see. This map alters and distorts the world you see. If you believe in a world of conflict and hate then that is the world you will see and experience. If you believe in a world of hope and love then that is the world you will see and experience.

Now this shifts the onus onto you to choose the world you wish to see. No-one is going to change your mind for you. Now you could take off those filters you are wearing and try on a different pair! That would be interesting don't you think? Then again you could just keep doing what you are doing and pray for a miracle!

Want to try something different today? OK, today look out for the things you appreciate and love in the world. When you find your attention being drawn to things you do not like about the world just become aware of what you are doing and place your attention once more on appreciating your world. I predict that this little exercise will leave you feeling more hopeful and alive. Now that cannot be a bad thing, can it?

Steve Nobel

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The World is Your Mirror....


Did you know that you live in a magical reality? Some of you certainly do. Well the thing is that this dimension of existence has been set up so that you can receive feedback about your inner world of attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and choices. Now this is really useful. Without this kind of feedback you can find out what you believe think feel and expect on the inside.

Whatever circumstance or person you attract in your life is telling you something about what you believe and expect on the inside. Now this is a reason to celebrate even if you do not like the circumstances or person very much. When you have found what they are reflecting about you then you can change on the inside. If you successfully change on the inside then the reflection will change or disappear.

Your outer world is a mirror for your inner world. When you change or expand one core belief about yourself or your world then your reality will, in due time, reflect that inner shift. This is a spiritual law and all beings come under this law regardless of class, gender or race.
Do not blame yourself if you do not like the reflections very much. This is useless and will only leave you feeling bad about yourself. Every being on this earth holds contradictory or limited thoughts and beliefs about what if possible. If you take my advice you will use everything for your upliftment and growth.

Now here's another tip, you can use this principle of refection to change your inner world. Since the outer world is a mirror reflection you can change your inner world by taking certain actions in your external world. When you step through any fear or any other internal resistance and do something you find scary or difficult then this will shift what you believe is possible or acheivable. This in turn will help you take more effective actions in the future.

Magic or what?
Steve Nobel


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Learning About Miracles........


One of the spiritual reasons people choose to incarnate onto the earth is that it is a great place to learn how to attract, create and manifest reality. This is because this plane of existense is relatively dense and because it is ruled by laws of time and space. Unlike in the dream worlds here you must do a little work to create an external manifestation of your inner desire and intent.

Here you give birth to an inspiring dream through: processing your beliefs about it happening; visualising it happening and trusting that it will happen in the perfect way. Then you have to wait and allow the Universe to work through the laws of time and space to bring it to you.
Now this process has been called cosmic ordering which gives the impression that you are in a kind of cosmic supermarket where you can order anything you wish. In some ways this is so but the point of this is not to become a spiritual shopper, the point is that you are learning the process of creating heaven on earth. You need to do this so that those coming after you will have the possibility of creating miracles anchored into their DNA.

Can you imagine how this world will be when the majority of beings here have the consciousness that they can create a heaven on earth? Seems to me a good enough reason to want to come back again!

Steve Nobel

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You are a Dreamweaver.....


There is a spiritual book called A Course in Miracles that describes how to create miracles in this world of dreams and nightmares. One of my favourite lines in this text says: "This world is full of miracles. They stand in shining silence next to every dream of pain and suffering".
Now the majority of people in the world have no idea that they have the power to create either a paradise or hell on earth through their action, belief, focus, intent, or vision. Most people on this earth do not realise that they have the power to create a heaven on earth. At the moment about 5% of people on earth are awakening to this possibility. The good news is that a small group of people with a clear and focused intent on creating a new earth can shift reality for everyone on the planet.

You must realise that you are reading this because you are a dreamweaver, a reality creator. Do not go unconscious to your role in this lifetime, stay present to the power within you and to the power that flows through you from the Universal Source. Then you will be doing what you have come on this earth to do.



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Attracting What You Want......

Thursday, September 11, 2008


There is a simple equation around attracting what you want or in other words manifesting your dreams:

When v = a clear and specific sense or vision of what you want
And x = the belief that it is both possible and acheivable
And y = your inner sense that you deserve this miracle to happen
And z = you have a workable strategy to acheive your vision then....

v + x + y + z = 'bingo'

Now the first three elements relate to inner work and the fourth to work you need to do in the world. This formula can also work when the first three elements are in place but not the fourth, thus.....

v + x + y + (z) = 'bingo'

Here you have a vision, a sense of belief and deserving. But after doing all of this inner work you are not sure how to acheive this goal in the world. Do not worry, the inner work can attract the means for the goal to happen. You do not always need a clear strategy up front. You could include in your inner work some thought to the resources you would need to attract to make this goal happen such as supportive people with specific skills and talents.

The most important thing is that you do the inner work necessary to align your conscious desire with your subconscious ability to make what you want happen in the world. The magic happens when both are aligned. Enjoy playing with this one.

Steve Nobel
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As You Believe.....


When it comes to changing reality beliefs are the foundation of how we attract or create our reality. From our beliefs arise our thoughts, feelings, choices, words and actions. So you see belief change is far reaching.

Take the metaphor of beliefs being a house. Some are like broken windows that need replacing. Some are like broken slates on the roof that need changing. And some are like supporting walls that holds up large sections of the house. If you change a core belief then you are repairing the supporting walls and this will have a ripple effect throughout the whole structure.
You can start to do some belief change work by first finding out what you believe to be true in a specific area of your life. So if you want to change your experience of money write down the question 'what I believe about money is.....' then answer the question either by writing down the answers or by speaking them into an audio recording device.

Do not sensor your answers, let them stream from your subconscious. If you feel any emotion coming up then all the better, you have hit a vein that will lead towards a core belief if you follow it. Just write or speak your answers until you are done and then review what has come out of your consciousness. Therein you will find the clues to the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

if you are interested in doing some deep belief change work then check out my next workshop happening this Sunday Sept 14 in London called Powerful Transitions.

Visit www.powerfultransitions.com

Steve Nobel
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Free Will versus Destiny......

I received this message a few days ago in response to one of my prosperity thoughts

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your continued prosperity thoughts, i value them greatly and they always seem to resonate with where im at. This mornings particularly has got me thinking about an area ive often resisted. Whether my life is dictated by my own personal responsibility/free will for everything or whether there is some kind of natural unfoldment at play.

I dont quite know what to make of it but i guess the changes im experiencing now are the result of the unconscious beliefs/patterns that i observed and changed a few months ago. Even though events are seeming to unfold naturally is that just because I changed the beliefs allowing a new path to be forged. My heart says yes i have a co creative power to shape my own path but i wonder whether the use of my own free will/intent to create a certain way thats to my liking is in fact my ego or not and whether my natural path will reveal itself in the moment.

If you could shed any light on this confusion itd be very helpful to me.
Thanks again for your messages Steve,

And my response was:

Hi Gareth,

It is a combination of both, if you take the analogy of sailing a ship there are times when the captain is more in control and can guide events and there are times when it is a question of going with the flow or the strongest wind. We do have a co-creative power to shape our destiny. The same force that flows through the sun stars earth oceans and forests also flows through you.

Every spiritual path advocates a surrender of the lower will to the higher. Then you are truly in a co-creative relationship with the divine. If there ever seems to be a battle going on it is usually where the lower will is resisting the higher. The trick is to surrender to your higher self, when your higher mind is in control of your destiny then your ego is not.

On the spiritual journey there can come the time of the wilderness or the dark night of the soul. Here the guiding light of spirit does not seem present. it can be a time of confusion. Such a time often comes before a big breakthrough in life. It can also come before a powerful initiation into more light and consciousness.

If you follow your joy and what increases your energy and vibration then you are on a path that is in alignment with your higher will. If you find your energy falling then it is likely that you are pushing in a direction that is not in alignment with your higher will. Now you can be heading in a direction that is in alignment with your higher will and feel resistance such as fear or doubt. When you engage the resistance and move through it the resitance often turns to a higher feeling such as excitement. Fear can turn to excitement and doubt can turn to clarity and so on.

Hope this helps.
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Can I Do Anything About Negative Thinking.....

I received the following email today from Tehran.

Hi, Dear Steve
many thanks you corrected me . I' ve always liked somebody correct me .
as you know for one year I am working on my mind from last september to this september .
when I found out " THE LAW OF ATTRACTION" in that time I was depressed ,suspen and some times I blame for whatever I did and for whatever I didn't ......
after that I made a decision to do these.

and now I want to know if I did well or not???? please tell me.
1. I decided not to talk negative people or listen to them etc.
2.I tried to think positively
3,.I tried to be happy but it', still hard for me .....
4.I recorded my positive sentences like ( I am becoming wealthier and wealthier everyday in every way) it takes me 30 hours to listen to them
5. I put a headphnoe and listen to my voice evernight before sleep and also everymorning before I get up.
6.when I go to my work I try to think ......or feel whatever I want, I have .....(I mean to cheat my subconsciuos.7.before sleep I work with my computer to see dallor's picture I have in my pc.
but you know some negative things finally attack me.

Dear Steve , please tell me what I should do and What I shouldn't do .as I said before I live in Tehran ........I would like to be in your workshop ,I desire, I love it to be there and to learn how to manifest my wishes ,my passion or somethingelse..........but what a pity I can't come ......I can't be there ....

thanks beforehand if you answer my question as usual.
Be well
farzi from Iran

Phew, what a question and here is my response

Dear Farzimor,
In response to your email here is what I have to say:

Accept yourself and where you are at the moment.
Blame and judgement are useless to you.
Give them up and practise blessing others and seeing the good in other people.

Forgive your past and process your beliefs.
What you believe to be true you will attract to yourself.
Process what you believe about good and bad.
Your judgements about what is wrong with your life or with others will block you from living a full and joyful life.

When a thought enters your mind that brings your energy down notice it and stop the thought.
When a judgmental or fearful thought enters your mind stop the thought and imagine it being cancelled by a big red cross. Imagine ripping up the thought as if it were a photograph and find a new thought, one that inspires and uplifts you.
For a while it will seem like a conflict until your unconscious mind gets the idea and sends you more inspiring peaceful and joyful thoughts.

Meditate to clear your energy bodies, your mind and your emotions. Focus on what you want and stop giving mental or emotional energy to what you do not want.Spend 5 minutes a day visualising what you want.Read a book that inspires you. Find friends that support you. Dance and laugh as often as you can.
Celebrate all the small wins in life.

Do something different each day.
Do something each day to inspire yourself and to life up others.

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Changing Your Mind.....


You create reality from the baseline of your beliefs. Being human means that you will hold beliefs about every area of your life. What you consciously think is true may not be what your subconscious mind believes to be true. Where they are in alignment there will be a fairly smooth creation of reality. Where they are not your conscious mind may find it a little upsetting that certain patterns keep repeating in your life. If you are not happy with the results in any area of your life then it is quite likely that your subconscious mind is holding limited beliefs about this area.

Your conscious mind may seek more money yet your subconscious mind may believe, for example, that money is evil. You may be consciously seeking a relationship but if your subconscious believes that love never works out and that sexual liaisons lead to suffering then it is likely that you will not create a joyful relationship.

Our beliefs have many sources:

From this life, where they are created mostly in the formative years.This is because as children we do not have the capacity to question or evaluate the opinions of those seemingly older and wiser than ourselves;

Ancestral beliefs that are passed down through the generations, so if something happened to a grandparent this experience and meaning is passed down through the DNA;

Past Lives, where beliefs can be created from challenging or traumatic experiences. Imagine being killed for having money or being imprisoned for speaking your truth. Get the picture?

The subconscious is powerful and it is said to hold around 95% of our mental capacity with the conscious mind holding around 5%. However, you can consciously change your subconscious beliefs through becoming more aware of them and then starting to consciously believe something more useful. All of our beliefs are stories that we tell ourselves are true so we can just as easily make up new more empowering stories.

You will know what you believe to be true by the results you are seeing and experiencing in the world. When you manage to change a core belief about yourself or reality then your life will shift and you will experience a different result.

Steve Nobel
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The Five Essential Freedoms.....


Many people chase money and material things when all they are really after is an expanded experience of freedom. Freedom is a quality that many people chase after not realising that it is a possibility that exists within themselves. We cannot be free in the world unless we can realise that quality on the inside first.

Whatever you believe you need to be free in the world is a story you are telling yourself is true. You can be in prison and know freedom. Take Nelson Mandela, imprisoned for many years but was able to make a huge contribution to the freedom of millions in his native country. His words have also helped to inspire and free millions around the world.

Some people think they need lots of money to be free. They have made money their liberator. You know you do not need lots of money to feel free. There are some very wealthy people in the world who experience very little freedom in their lives.

Family therapist Virginia Satir knew about freedom, she worked with hundreds of individuals and families that were in pain and did not feel free. Virginia Satir says there are five freedoms:

The freedom to see and hear what is;
The freedom to say what you feel and think;
The freedom to feel what you actually feel;
The freedom to ask for what you want;
The freedom to take risks on your own behalf.

Now you cannot say no-one told you!

Steve Nobel
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Amazing Speech by J. K. Rowling....


We live in a world where inspiration is a rare and highly prized commodity. One person who has become a great inspiration to others is the author of the Harry Potter books, J.K. Rowling.

Check out this amazing and inspirational speech http://harvardmagazine.com/go/jkrowling.html

Steve Nobel
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It is Safe to Be Spiritual....


There have been times when it was not safe to shine too brightly. You have almost certainly lived other lives where you were hurt or killed for daring to step outside of the box of political and religious dogmatic thinking. There are still some places on the earth where it is not safe to challenge the beliefs of the collective consciousness.

But by and large it is safe, particularly in the Western world, to step away from limited believing and thinking. It is safe to adopt a spiritual lifestyle and so you are free to raise your vibration through meditation, mindfulness, prayer and ritual. There is nothing stopping you, unless you are someone easily distracted by the glamour and illusions of the world.

It is possible to be in this world but not really of it. You can live on the earth and be connected to spirit. Today how about finding one way to raise your vibration a little closer to the Oneness of Source. You can do this by focusing on joy, laughter, or gratitude throughout the day. When you discover how to raise your vibration then comes the next stage, learning how to stabilise in that new level consistently. Have fun!

Steve Nobel
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The Law of Resonance......

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


You have probably heard the concept that you create your reality. You may even have heard about the Law of Attraction and how you attract (or repel) your reality. Well there is another less known spiritual law that is worth knowing about if you want to be a conscious creator of your reality. The Law of Resonance is one of the main laws that help to shape of your reality.

Consider the example of two people walking down the street towards one another. One is feeling joyful and inspired about life and the other is feeling depressed and oppressed by life. They meet and chat for several minutes. The joyful one walks away feeling less joyful about the world. The depressed person walks away feeling more uplifted. Similar situations to this one could easily happen to you everyday in different ways.

The Law of Resonance is there also in relation to your goals. A goal is something that is resonating at a higher level than you at present. So lets say you are earning £40,000 a year and want to earn £60,000 a year. Your current level of energy and vibration is attracting or creating £40K. To lift to £60K you need to raise your vibration to a level that is in resonance with your goal of £60K.

There are many ways to raise your energy or vibration. One is clearing out old thoughts and feelings that keep you resonating at a lower level. The other is through a discipline of working with energies such as focus, excitement, gratitude, inspiration, joy, passion, and wonder.

Steve Nobel
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Dreaming of Miracles.....


Did you know that you are capable of achieving everything you have ever dreamed of creating in your life? Oh yes you are! I know this is a big statement but it is something that I know to be true. I just want to share the good news with you. Ok you want a little more information. OK, the first thing to know is that some dreams are a bigger stretch than others. The trick is to work first on creating some smaller ones so that you can build up your self-belief, skills and other resources in creating the bigger ones.

How about giving some space to your dreams today? Go on, bring them out into the daylight and take a look at them. How would it feel to be living them at some point in the future? Do not wait too long to realise them. String your dreams together and put some energy today in creating them.

When you focus on a goal you are creating a mental blueprint to help you realise your goal. When you start to feel the feelings of having that goal you create a wave of emotional energy that will energise your mental blueprint. When you do this consistently you will see your problems start to disappear and your goals gradually form and appear in your reality. In a sense this is pure magic! The more you practise the better you will get in producing miracles.

Steve Nobel
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The Power of Having a Setback....


I recently experienced a setback in my life that has touched me quite profoundly. I had set my heart on a certain goal which now will not be realised in the way I would have liked. Not that this particular goal cannot be still be accomplished, but not by my prefered route. Yes you are right of course, I was too attached to the how of the goal. What can I say, except that I live and learn!

Sometimes a setback is the best thing that can happen to you. Setbacks are there to help you reconsider your direction and re-evaluate what is important to you in your life. Sometimes setbacks come as an antidote to living someone elses dream. Sometimes they come to help us let go of a situation or person. Sometimes they come to motivate is in a new way. Many people who have faced near death experiences have reported that after the event they felt called to do something different with their lives.

There is a power in success and a power in what we consider a setback. In NLP there is a wise saying that there is no such thing as failure, there is only feedback. Feedback is information that you receive from the world in response to your purposeful action. Feedback can help you adjust your future course of action. Feedback can help you adjust the direction or thrust of your action. So you see a setback can be worth its weight in gold.

Steve Nobel
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Get Into the Wealthy Flow....


To live a wealthy life you must be prepared to go with the flow. Going with the flow is an idea that comes from Taoist philosophy. The flow is life force energy and is like water in that it is fluid and not always predictable.

Let me give you some practical ideas about going with the flow. Sometimes a situation may work well for a period of time and then it stops working well. Hanging onto this situation will take you out of the flow. The only way to return to the flow is to release the situation. Sometimes an idea may work brilliantly for a time and then it stops working. The only way to return to the flow is to release the idea and wait until a better one comes along. Sometimes a project may feel very inspiring and then suddenly it seems less so.

Flow starts to happen, particularly when you feel stuck by letting go of ideas and habitual ways of thinking and doing. Flow starts to happen by taking a risk that feels wise to the heart. Flow starts to happen by doing something different each day. Flow starts to happen by engaging with the world around you. Flow starts to happen when you align with your values and with the spirit that guides your life.

Flow is often acheived through a process of elimination rather than accumulation. Let go and trust that their is a force active in your life that is a zillion times wiser and more informed than your small ego self (or should I say selves)!

Steve Nobel
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Living on Purpose.....


For many people living a meaningful and purposeful life is important. I know it is for me. You come to planet earth coded with a pre-disposition to fulfilling your life's mission. Life is your heroic journey for as soon as you complete the journey from womb to mother's arms then there is no turning back.

Now some people come here to learn about compassion and love, some come to learn about creativity and self-expression, and some come to learn about magic and manifesting. The list is endless. You will know your mission through three different aspects of your life: firstly what is important to you, the things you will stand up and fight for; secondly the dreams you yearn to achieve, and thirdly the challenges that you face time and time again. All three point to what you have come to planet earth to achieve.

Steve Nobel
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2012....Bring It On!!!


The energies on the planet are strong at the moment because we are in the last chunk of time leading up to the 2012 pivital point. For thousands of years the dominant energies on the planet have been control, greed and manipulation. But now the planet is in a period of intense ascension and it will become increasingly difficult to maintain these old fear-based structures.

Of course there are some dark spots on the planet where old karma is still coming to the surface in difficult ways to be cleared. At the same time many awakened souls are being born here to help birth a different paradigm on the earth. And many of us who have been here for some years have held the light during many challenging times. it has not always seems certain that the light would triumph, but triumph it has!

Now the vibration of abundance, joy, and love are increasing on the planet and that is going to be challenging and very uncomfortable for many beings. But not for beings like you and me!

Steve Nobel
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Raising Your Vibration....


There have been times when it was not safe to shine too brightly. You have almost certainly lived other lives where you were hurt or killed for daring to step outside of the box of political and religious dogmatic thinking. There are still some places on the earth where it is not safe to challenge the beliefs of the collective consciousness.

But by and large it is safe, particularly in the Western world, to step away from limited believing and thinking. It is safe to adopt a spiritual lifestyle and to raise your vibration through meditation, mindfulness, prayer and ritual. Today how about finding one way to raise your vibration a little closer to Oneness. You can do this by focusing on joy, laughter, or gratitude throughout the day. When you discover how to raise your vibration then comes the next stage, learning how to stabilise in that new level consistently.

Steve Nobel
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Why We Resist Following Our Dreams....

Hi there,

Now where we were? Oh yes, talking about resisting stepping forward. The thing to understand about resistance is that it is a normal and a potentially helpful part of the human condition. At its best resistance helps us slow down and evaluate, it can help us to avoid the things that distract us from our heart's true calling. At its worst it stops us from truly living life to its full potential, it locks us in constant anxiety, confusion, doubt or whatever is your chosen means of resisting life.

You can think about resistance like the brake on a car. Now the accelerator would be your drive and passion to move towards a goal. The brake would be your sense of caution or wanting to take things slowly. Now having a brake in a car is very useful, but not if the brake is on all of the time. Some people live life with their resistance firing up almost constantly throughout their day.

If you take my advice use resistance wisely, make it an ally rather than an opponent. Resistance is trying to help you in some way. When you discover what it is really trying to do for you (usually some form of protection) then you can assess what the resistance id trying to do for you and consciously decide whether to proceed or not. The more unaware of your resistance patterns the stronger they will be able to block you in life. When you become more conscious of your resistance programs they will have less power over you.

Steve Nobel
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Stop Distracting Yourself from Real Success...

Hi there,

With all the intensity going on across the planet at the moment you may be hitting some internal sense of resistance to taking the next step forward in your life. If this is the case you are resisting stepping forward because deep down you realise that once you do so nothing will be the same again. There are many ways we can resist stepping forward in life. You can create a drama or some form of external conflict to keep you distracted. You can create an obstacle that seems to block the way ahead. The list is endless.

Now the real question is are you going to continue sending energy to your chosen form of resistance. 'What you resist persists' as they say. This does not mean saying no to injustice in the world rather it means ending the internal fight to stepping forward in your life.

Steve Nobel
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Can I Have What I Want...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Subject: RE: Dear Steve, *Your* Prosperity Thought...
Hi Steve,

Many thanks for today's thoughts, but for me at least the thought raises a question that I'm hoping you can help me with.

Does thinking about the tangible that we wish to attract, by the very nature of the process advocate attachment? And isn't attachment the root of all suffering?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this as it's a double-bind that I'm currently experiencing.
Kind Regards,

Hi Andrew,

A great question since attachment (and aversion) leads to suffering, as the Buddha tells us.It is possible to envision something and be unattached to how it arises in the world.

Envisioning love is different than wishing a certain person love you. It is possible to make love without lust, it is possible to own millions and be free of attachment to money and it is possible to birth children into the world and be free of any desire to control or fashion them.

A gardener that plants a seed and gives the seed the right environment to grow and then leaves the seed to blossom in its own way is not hindering the process of creation but aiding it. A gardener that plants a seed and constantly digs it up to check on its process is hindering the process of creation. A gardener that is desperate for the seed to grow faster is hindering the process.

If there is a double bind going on I would check what you believe to be true about creating and attracting things in your life. Perhaps you do not believe it is possible to create without being attached to your creation. Perhaps you believe that the act of creation binds you in some way to this world. When you change the core belief that is causing the difficulty then you will change this aspect of your experience.

Hope this helps.
Steve Nobel
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The Principles of NLP Based Coaching....

Hi there,

NLP is extremely useful when it comes to coaching. There are a number of presuppositions that underpin NLP, here are a few that relate to coaching:

1. You respond to your map of reality, not to reality itself - We form our map of reality through our senses, beliefs or habitual thinking, and past experiences. Our map can never reflect reality accurately. When are maps are faulty then we do not see reality for what it really is. NLP is the art of changing these maps so that we have greater freedom of choice and action.

2. You will make the best choice available to you - NLP seeks to increase options and choices. The more choices you have the more empowered you will feel. Also the more choices you have the chances of making a more informed choice increases.

3. You work perfectly well - which means that you are not broken or flawed. People are running strategies that may be poorly designed or executed. Behaviour and strategies can always be changed to something more useful and effective. NLP separates the behaviour from the person running the behaviour.

4. All actions have a purpose - no-one behaves randomly there is always a positive intent to acheive something even if the behaviour seems self-defeating. When we understand the underlying intent we can find better ways to acheive our objectives.

5. The unconscious is the partner of the conscious mind - the unconscious holds all the information and physiological functions not held in the awareness of the conscious mind. The unconscious is rich in many resources that can be called upon by the conscious mind.

6. You process information and experience through your senses - we think and hold information in a sensory specific way. Memories are recalled as sensory information and future events can be imagined in the same way. Some people are more visual, others more auditory and others more kinesthetic. Knowing this we can alter the structure of our experience.

7. You have all the resources you need - there are no unresourcesful people only unresourceful psychological states. Within us are the resources we need or the ability to find the resources we need.

8. If you want to learn then act - all learning happens when we are engaged with our senses and when we are doing something to anchor the learning in our experience.

9. There is no failure only feedback - with every action comes feedback in the form of information, communication, money, opportunities etc. When an action does not bring the desired response this does not indicate failure. There is always information that can be used to adjust future actions.

10. The meaning of any communication is the response it evokes - often people can intend one thing when they communicate yet others hear something different being communicated. This is because all communication passes through an individual's map of reality. If your communication is not getting the response you would like change the content or means of delivery of the communication.

11. Mind emotions and body form one system - they interact and inflence one another and each are influenced by the other. This enables change to happen by working on one modality.

12. Modelling successful people leads to excellence - if one person can do something extraordinary then anyone learn it from them and teach others. This is not about being a clone but learning from what works rather than what does not.

Steve Nobel
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The Danger of Premature Certainty.....

Hi there,

Premature certainty is when a person seeks a solution in an attempt to jump out of some sense of discomfort or pain. Because the solution needs to happen quickly in order to get out of the pain it is not often well thought through and often create more pain and probelms in the long run.

Now there was this coaching client I will call Miss Y. She had been feeling a little lost in the world and disconnected from other people for awhile. Miss Y longed for a greater sense of certainty and direction. She found a solution which involved her leaving the UK and travelling back to her native land. Now all the signs were there that this was an ill conceived idea and had the potential to leave her feeling even more lost and disconnected in the world. This was because it meant leaving all her friends and connections behind. Now in a coaching session I began to challenge her solution. Her response was a fierce defence and an attempt to convince me that her solution was the right one.

I always get a little concerned when clients try to convince me or enroll me into their worldview. A coach is only useful to a client to the extent they can stay out of the client's story or worldview. Clients often attempt to 'hypnotise' me into their way of thinking and if that happens I will just become enrolled in their problem thinking patterns and will cease to be a help to them.

Now Miss Y was still certain at this point with her solution and held onto it with a grim determination. I did not hear from Miss Y for 3 months. She had sat with it that long. Fortunately a number of things happened that helped her question her solution and she sat with it long enough to not only change her mind but find a better solution, one that helped did not mean leaving her friends behind, and gave her the direction and connection she wanted.

If you are in an uncomfortable situation then I recommend you sit in the pain and do not seek to jump out prematurely. Pain is a great motivator and can help you find new solutions in life it you allow it to.

Steve Nobel
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Making Great Choices....

Hi There,

A few months back I was the presenter at a coaching circle in central London and I offered an exercise on moving through perceived blocks towards a goal. So if client A says they have no confidence the exercise was to ask questions to find counter examples that help client A re-evaluate the claim that they have no confidence.

After this exercise there was a well deserved tea break. The group had been listening to information and doing practise exercises for about an hour. Anyway as the group was breaking for tea a young woman came up to me and said she had a problem with the exercise.

We sat down and she told me that the frame of the interaction was around helping her with the issue of making the right choice. Now when she mentioned making the RIGHT choice a red light went on. I asked her what making the RIGHT choice meant, puttiing the emphasis on RIGHT. She then put her finger on the problem. Making the right choice involves a certain amount of courage and risk followed by a certain amount of loss and pain.

Now you can see why the previous interaction was driving her into a problem state where she was feeling bad at the beginning and worst at the end. The person acting as coach was literally driving her deeper into a problem state without realising it. In NLP and in general coaching practise the idea is to help a client get into a more resourceful state so they can make better choices and take more effective actions.

So I chatted with her and asked her if she had ever made a GREAT choice, putting the emphasis on GREAT. So looked around and was searching about for a time when she made a great choice and was struggling so I offered her some choices. I asked if she had ever chosen a meal that was great, i.e. no pain attached. She said yes, we were on the right track. I asked her if she had ever chosen a place where she had experienced a great haircut. She said she had and was visibly brightening. This went on for another 2/3 examples at the end of which I asked her if she knew how to make GREAT choices. She beamed and said yes and went off to tea. This interaction took two minutes.

The point of this is to highlight the need to drive a client into a resourceful state, one that can bust any idea of limitation or perceived lack of ability. If a client does not have a particular resource it is important to put them in a resourceful state where they can then think about an easy strategy to obtain the missing resource. She was thinking that she did not know how to make RIGHT choices. A better frame that shifted her whole thinking was that the real issue is that she knows how to make GREAT choices.

Steve Nobel
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Being a Visionary.....

Hi there,

A visionary is someone who can see inside their mind's eye, how the future could potentially unfold. They have a sense of the bigger picture and are forward thinking, always drawn by possibility, and a sense of adventure. Visionaries are pioneers who seek to explore new uncharted waters. They are often charismatic and good in enrolling other people into their vision.

So far all well and good. However, a visionary without proper backup can hit the rocks and perhaps even sink. Visionaries do not always have a great sense of detail, they do not realise the pitfalls and cannot foresee the likely obstacles or objections. They need other people to help do this for them.

A wise visionary knows this and gathers supportive friends or collegues around them. A visionary needs to use feedback to adjust their forward thinking plan so that all hurdles in the way can be safely circumnavigated.

In business the least successful company usually either has a visionary leader that is not supported by this necessary back-up or has a detail person in charge with no sense of a bigger picture. The worst case scenario is where a detail person is leading a company being supported by visionary managers. This is a recipe for disharmony or even conflict and is a disaster in the making.

If you are a visionary make sure that your visions have the right amount of support to bring them to fruition. Use feedback as much as you can. And if you are in the unhappy position of working for a detail orientated boos get the hell out of there as soon as you can.

Steve Nobel
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Get Specific About What You Want....

Hi there,

Outcome thinking is about getting very specific about what you want. This means thinking about the intangible qualities you want to attract such as adventure, creativity, freedom, love or passion. It also means thinking about the more tangible things you want such as rewarding and inspiring work in a certain industry, a spacious and beautiful home in a certain area, and loving and supportive relationships. The more specific you can get the better. When you can see, hear or touch the life you want to create then it is easier to create that future. if you have no idea what you want then how can you create it.

Oh, I hear some of you say, I will leave all of that up to the Universe. Well what if the Universe does not care what you do with your life what then? Why do you think they call this the planet of free will? You can choose your reality or choose to abdicate all responsibility for your life. Why not just get a little more specific about what you want? A few minutes a day can help to change your reality to one that is more to your liking. It does not serve you or anyone else to create your world in a way that generates unhappiness.

Steve Nobel
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The Power of Elimination...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hi there,

Most people are taught that to advance in life you need to gather lots of stuff, particularly information. This is one of the greatest myths around success you can come across and I hope I can dismantle this for you in the next few minutes.

We have shifted from the Industrial Age to the Information Age and now information means money. This has led to a greedy consumption of information. Now you know what happens when you consume too much too quickly. Yes, it does not feel pleasant and your ability to think and act effectively decreases.

The thing to know about the brain is that it is like a hard drive, it has a limited capacity. When the hard drive is filled to capacity then performance suffers. Having a wealth of information comes with a price and that is usually a scarcity of attention.

I have had coaching clients that have consumed far too much information. How do I know this, because usually they are unable to take action, there are too many things to consider, the opportunities, the threats, the options, things to plan for, things to defend against, other people's objections, will it work out and so on into infinity.

When a person comes to see me suffering from information overload I put them on an information diet. No news, no newspapers, no academic reading for a month or so. Some people need to make this a permanent way of living. I rarely watch the news or read newspapers nowadays, and there was a time when I would devour information, much of it that was designed to make the listeners anxious and fearful.

The author of The Little Prince, Antoine De Saint-Exupery, once said "perfection is not when there is no more to add, but no more to take away". If you take my advice, be more mindful of the information you consume on a daily basis. And find a way to either store information so that you do not have to think or worry about it, or eliminate information where possible.

Steve Nobel
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Going for Gold..........

Hi there,

Performance in any field is not just about doing what needs to be done, it is about setting high standards and seeking to consistently meet and exceed those standards. Optimum performance is about expression and taking ownership of one's inner potential.

In sports the measurement of performance is often simple, how fast did the runner run the set distance, how many balls were kicked into the net in the 90 minutes, by how many points was the game won in the tennis match. Motivation is fairly easy to arouse with the various financial and social benefits of winning or excelling at some sporting activity. In other fields results may be slower to come by in comparison. Few entrepreneurs achieve the same acclaim given to sports heroes.

Performance is not only about excelling it is also about learning. Doing something well is also motivating. Perhaps doing something well can also be fun. Performance coaching is about setting high standards and the means in order to consistently attain those same high standards. It is about learning new ways of thinking, feeling and doing activities in order to get better results, in whatever way the term 'better results' is defined.

People that can benefit from performance coaching are those moving towards a goal, dream or project. Performance can relate to communication, to relating, to building something new, to obtaining some tangible result. It is perfectly suited for personal and business endevours.

Steve Nobel
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The World is a Mirror....

Hi there,

Did you know that you live in a magical reality? Perhaps yes, perhaps no. Well the thing is that this dimension of existence has been set up so that you can receive feedback on your inner world of attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and choices. Your outer world is but a mirror for your inner world of vibration. For instance this means that when you change or expand one core belief about yourself or your world then your reality will, in time, reflect that inner shift.

Now it also works the other way around. When you take a courageous step in your world despite any internal resistance then this has the effect of changing your internal world. Once you have faced and moved through one fear your whole psyche shifts in accordance with the magnitude of the courageous step.

Now spiritual coaching uses this principle of inner/outer reflection to help a client move easily and gracefully towards their goals. Coaching works on both the inner and the outer so that there is a harmonious movement between the two to a higher plane of vibration and co-existence.

Steve Nobel
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Beyond Belief...

Hi There,

Know an important area where people often have difficulty is that of belief. Every religion or faith starts out as a set of teachings or ideas that eventually crystalises around a theology or set of dogmatic beliefs. Now many wars have been fought over different groups that believe different things. People often get in hot water through promoting or defending a set of beliefs.
Every spiritual path offers a set of ideas or beliefs for people to try out. A spiritual path becomes a cult when individuals are given a set of beliefs that they must adopt and believe in without question. I know what I am talking about because I have been involved in 2 cults (3 if you include the Catholic Church).

Spirituality is about direct experience and is not about belief. Belief is an important platform to attain experience, both practical and spiritual. The important thing is my experience. If I am not experiencing what I want to experience then I need to look at shifting my beliefs. This is always possible and something to consider doing on a regular basis.

The interesting thing about most religions is that belief is central and cannot be changed. Whereas sny spiritual path worth its salt will have you question your beliefs. The Buddha was a great spiritual master and teacher who encouraged his students to constructively question everything no matter the source. Some of the best teachers I have heard say "today I believe this, tomorrow I may think something else".

Spiritual coaching is a vehicle for exploring belief and whether your existing beliefs serve you in the way you would like. Coaching is a great medium for exploring and trying out new ideas and then seeing the results.

Steve Nobel
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You Can Make Great Choices...

Hi there,

Last night I was the presenter at a coaching circle in central London and the exercise was on helping a client move through a perceived block. So if client A says they have no confidence the exercise was to ask questions to find counter examples that help client A re-evaluate the claim that they have no confidence. After this exercise there was a well deserved tea break. The group had been listening to information and doing practise exercises for about an hour. Anyway as the group was breaking for tea Miss Y came up to me and said she had a problem with the exercise. We sat down and Miss Y told me that the frame of the interaction was around helping her with the issue of making the right choice.

Now when client Y mentioned making the RIGHT choice a red light went on. I asked her what making the RIGHT choice meant, puttiing the emphasis on RIGHT. She then put her finger on the problem. Making the right choice involves a certain amount of courage and risk followed by a certain amount of loss and pain. Now the frame of the previous interaction was driving Miss Y into a problem state where she was feeling bad at the beginning and worst at the end. Her coach in this exercise was literally driving her deeper into a problem state without realising it.

In NLP and in general coaching practise the idea is to help a client get into a more resourceful state so they can make better choices and take more effective actions. So I chatted with Miss Y and asked her if she had ever made a GREAT choice, putting the emphasis on GREAT. So looked around and was searching about for a time when she made a great choice and was struggling so I offered her some choices. I asked if she had ever chosen a meal that was great, i.e. no pain attached. She said yes, we were on the right track. I asked her if she had ever chosen a place where she had experienced a great haircut. She said she had and was visibly brightening. This went on for another 2/3 examples at the end of which I asked her if she knew how to make GREAT choices. She beamed and said yes and went off to tea. This interaction took two minutes.

The point of this is to highlight the need to drive a client into a resourceful state, one that can bust any idea of limitation or perceived lack of ability. If a client does not have a particular resource it is important to put them in a resourceful state where they can then think about an easy strategy to obtain the missing resource. Miss Y was thinking that she did not know how to make RIGHT choices. Moving the frame to making GREAT choices put Miss Y in a position where her thinking about choices were win/win for herself rather than win/lose.

Steve Nobel
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NLP Coaching....

Hi There,

I use both the Meta Model and also the Milton Model from NLP in my work. They have proved to be very useful, in a number of my coaching interactions.

The Meta-Model is a set of questions designed to specify information, challenge and expand the limits to a person's model of the world. It responds to the distortions, generalizations, and deletions in the speaker's language. The Meta Model draws on transformational grammar and general semantics and is based on the idea that language is a translation of mental states into words. Furthermore in this translation, there is an unconscious process of deletion, distortion and generalization. This model helps a client get clearer on their thinking and communication.

The Milton Model is in many ways the opposite of the Meta Model for instead of getting more specific this model is purposely vague and metaphoric and is used to make indirect suggestions. A direct suggestion merely states the goal, whereas an indirect suggestion is less authoritative and allows the unconscious mind of the client to interpret appropriately. This model is based on the assumption that the unconscious mind responds to openings, opportunities, metaphors and contradictions. Effective suggestion therefore needs to be 'artfully vague', leaving space for the subject to fill in the gaps with their own unconscious understandings. This model helps a client elicit their unconscious resources in ways that benefit their life.

Steve Nobel
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You Create Your reality..but only 100% of the Time...

Hi there,

I have been interested for many years in the idea that we create our own reality. I have studied with a number of amazing metaphysical and magical teachers and have come to accept that we allow, create, or invite our experience but only 100% of the time.

We create our experiences through the actions we take, the thoughts we think, what we put our attention on (either possibilities or problems), what we habitually feel, and what we deeply believe to be true about ourselves and our world.

In the conventional point of view it is believed that we have very little power to shape our reality and that powerful external forces are what shape our existence. Some people believe that governments shape their reality and of course there is some truth in this. We are social beings and naturally create all kinds of structures that shape reality. Some people believe that their family shapes their existence and of course there is some truth in this. Power flows through families systems and racial systems and we can draw upon all kinds of resources through such structures.

However, we create our experience in relation to these structures according to our beliefs about them and ourselves. If we believe that we are powerful beings and that we live in a loving and supportive universe then our experience in such structures will be different than if we believe we have no power within such groups and that our lives are determined by them.

One client of mine believed that he was powerless and that he lived in a hostile universe. He gradually changed this deep belief and found that the groups he belonged to were supporting this old view of himself. He stayed for awhile in these groups but found that it was increasingly painful. In time he left and found more supportive groups that agreed with his new idea about reality.

Steve Nobel
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Enter a World of Flow....

Hi There,

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a psychology professor from the University of Chicago studied the lives of thousands of people for more than 30 years trying to discover what makes people's lives meaningful and satisfying. From his research he wrote a book called Flow.

Mihaly C says that flow includes a narrowing of attention, a sense of being absorbed, and a feeling of transcendence. Any activity can lead to flow, playing a game, listening to music, engaging in a love affair or a job. Flow is nothing more than a meditation on life.

The question to ask yourself is what activities, people, thoughts, or feelings help you enter into your flow? Now how would your world be different if you knew how to enter into your flow?

Steve Nobel
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Success Formulas....

Hi There,

People who are successful have a formula for success. At birth we are not given a formula, we have to work it out for ourselves. People who are happy have discovered a formula, so have people that know peace, or prosperity. Formulas vary from culture to culture, from family to family, and from person to person.

Whether you know it or not you have your own unique formula for being successful and prosperous, though you may not have fully discovered it yet. Your unique formula is made up of some unique ingredients. Before you can create your formula you need to know the necessary ingredients. For example a discipline of meditation could be an ingredient of peace, and daily space for creative ideas an ingredient for success. So you need to know what you want your formula to achieve and then find the essential ingredients you need that will make your formula work.

Steve Nobel
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Outcome Thinking versus Problem Thinking....

Hi there,

I would say that it is a much better way to look at life in terms of outcomes than problems. Outcome thinking looks at what could be possible in a given situation. Problem thinking looks at what could go wrong in a given situation. Now our thinking leads to our experiencing.

If you want to attract more possibility in your life then start training your mind to dwell on possibility. If you want to attract more problems to solve then train your mind to dwell on problem thinking. Training your mind creates habitual thinking which means after awhile your subconscious gets the idea and does it for you.

The real question is to you want to take the hard path or the graceful path in life? Tough question I know?

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Follow Your Bliss.....

Sunday, September 7, 2008

For me it is important to enjoy what I do. For many years I have followed the principle ‘follow your bliss’ which means I only do work (although it hardly feels like work most of the time) that feels joyful and abundant, and I avoid doing things that feels dull, hard or a struggle.

The idea ‘follow your bliss’ is not new, it originates from Joseph Campbell, the amazing author and mythologist who helped to inspire the blockbuster film Star Wars. Joseph Campbell was a maverick and thought that most people do not follow what feels joyful; instead they follow that which seems sensible, reasonable, and logical. Even worst some follow what they feel they should being doing in life. Of course all of this is a recipe for great unhappiness.

When you follow your bliss you start to do things differently. I have been interested in living an abundant and magical life for many years. Living a magical life means opening up to something new. If you experience stress and struggle in your life then opening to even a little abundance, joy, play and passion will seem new to you.

When you follow your bliss you will start to desire to help others live magical and meaningful lives. Living a magical life is a possibility that exists within everyone. However, most people just do not know how to access that possibility.

When you follow your bliss strange things start to happen. You break old routines and old limited ways of thinking and feeling. You begin to feel happy for no reason. You open yourself up to new possibilities in life. You then start to see and experience a new world. Some research has shown that the most effective way to break an old habit is to do something slightly different for 30 days. So if you want to change your work you could start by taking a different way to and from work for 30 days. This will definitely give you a new perspective.

Now if living a magical life is something that interests you then I have put together a FREE audio recording for you called How to Live Magically. To download your FREE recording visit


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Powerful Transitions....Sept 14, Covent Garden, London


This coming Sunday I am running a workshop in central London called Powerful Transitions. This workshop is for anyone going through a period of change particularly in relation to work, business or life direction. You may feel that you are coming to a kind of crossroads or you have been at a crossroads for sometime and have not been able to make a choice as to which way to move. You may already have made a choice and are heading towards a new beginning, and that process is taking longer than it should.

You may feel a sense of frustration or unease about where you are in life in relation to where you would liek to be. You may not be sure of how to motivate yourself in the 'right' direction.

If any of this applies to you then check http://www.powerfultransitions.com/
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Changing Your Beliefs....


When it comes to changing reality beliefs are the foundation of how we attract or create our reality. From our beliefs arise our thoughts, feelings, choices, words and actions. So you see belief change is far reaching.

Take the metaphor of beliefs being a house. Some are like broken windows that need replacing. Some are like broken slates on the roof that need changing. And some are like supporting walls that holds up large sections of the house. If you change a core belief then you are repairing the supporting walls and this will have a ripple effect throughout the whole structure.

You can start to do some belief change work by first finding out what you believe to be true in a specific area of your life. So if you want to change your experience of money write down the question 'what I believe about money is.....' then answer the question either by writing down the answers or by speaking them into an audio recording device.

Do not sensor your answers, let them stream from your subconscious. If you feel any emotion coming up then all the better, you have hit a vein that will lead towards a core belief if you follow it. Just write or speak your answers until you are done and then review what has come out of your consciousness.

Therein you will find the clues to the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.If you are interested in doing some deep belief change work then check out my next workshop happening this Sunday Sept 14 in London called Powerful Transitions.

Visit www.powerfultransitions.com

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Formula for Success

Hi There,

People who are successful have a formula for success. At birth we are not given a formula, we have to work it out for ourselves. People who are happy have discovered a formula, so have people that know peace, or prosperity. Formulas vary from culture to culture, from family to family, and from person to person. Whether you know it or not you have your own unique formula for being successful and prosperous, though you may not have fully discovered it yet.

Your unique formula is made up of some unique ingredients. Before you can create your formula you need to know the necessary ingredients. For example a discipline of meditation could be an ingredient of peace, and daily space for creative ideas an ingredient for success. So you need to know what you want your formula to achieve and then find the essential ingredients you need that will make your formula work.

Steve Nobel
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